
Synopsis:TheIconsExtractutilityscansthefilesandfoldersonyourcomputer,andextracttheiconsandcursorsstoredinEXE,DLL,OCX,CPL,andinother ...,TheIconsExtractutilityscansthefilesandfoldersonyourcomputer,andextracttheiconsandcursorsstoredinEXE,DLL,OCX,CPL,andinotherfile ...,IconsExtractscansthefilesandfoldersonyourcomputer,andextracttheiconsandcursorsstoredinEXE,DLL,OCX,CPL,andinotherfiletypes.,IconsE...

Change history for IconsExtract

Synopsis: The IconsExtract utility scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in other ...

Download IconsExtract (Portable) 1.47 for free

The IconsExtract utility scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in other file ...


IconsExtract scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in other file types.


IconsExtract allows you to extract icons from any file in your system – that is, any file that can be used as icon library.


The IconsExtract utility scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in other file types.

IconsExtract 1.47 Portable :

2010年9月27日 — [It] Estrae icone e cursori contenuti in file di tipo EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, e altri. Per tradurre il programma in Italiano scaricare il file ...

IconsExtract Portable 1.47.0 Dev Test 1

2012年11月16日 — The IconsExtract utility scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in ...


The IconsExtract utility scans the files and folders on your computer, and extract the icons and cursors stored in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and in other file types.